Recent Events a Success!

In the last couple weeks, VTF&WCG has sponsored events in collaboration with NorthWoods Stewardship Center. The first was an adult-focused hunting education/learn to hunt weekend led by long-time VT hunter-ed instructor Mike Kolsun, assisted by several folks including Jason Morin, Jon Cox, and Gabe Muraca. The delicious food for the weekend was prepared by Walt Driscoll. Seven new hunters left Sunday afternoon feeling ready to safely use a firearm and go hunt!

The next week, 12 people joined Matt Breton for a deer tracking seminar. Topics covered included finding an area to hunt, how to select a track, understanding rubs and scrapes, rifle selection and set up, etiquette in the woods and a discussion on the need for hunter-conservationists. Five new members joined the Conservation Group.

Class at the Shooting Range, West Mountain WMA


Listening to Nulhegan Basin Division Manager, Steve Agius, about the Conte NWR