October 2018 Meeting

The board held its regular monthly board meeting on Thursday Oct 4th. Several guests were in attendance, including Commissioner of the VT  Dept of Fish and Wildlife, Louis Porter. Topics discussed included holding an informational meeting in the coming months, potential habitat work and commenting on fish management plans, including the trophy lake designation.

Upcoming in the next month will be the Big Game Processing seminar at NorthWoods on Oct 20th from 9am-12pm. For more info: http://www.northwoodscenter.org/wordpress/event/modern-traditions-in-hunting-angling-advanced-game-processing/

Also coming up will be dock removal. Tentatively occurring the first week of November, VTF&WCG helps the state maintain, install and remove seven docks. This activity is highly weather dependent due to the use of a crane, so contact a director if you are interested in helping out.

Hatchery plans are beginning to take shape. Water for the hatchery will be hooked up before freeze-up, probably in December.

The November meeting was canceled due to deer hunting and low attendance in the past.

Lastly, the Annual Meeting was discussed and will be held in early February, exact date and location TBD. Members will be invited.