All posts by VTFWCG

Vermont Fish & Wildlife Conservation Group News

4/4/2018, Morgan, VT

The April monthly meeting was well attended and included the annual meeting.

Hatchery update- The brook trout are doing well and the annual stocking will begin April 14th. People who stock will be asked to fill out a form on location of the stocking- no private ponds and within VT FPR District 5.  Those who stock will also be given instructions on letting the fish acclimate before releasing fish into the beaver pond or brook.

The VTFWCG will be placing docks this spring. There will be a new dock in Norton this summer. The range will be inspected and brought up to speed once the roads are open.

The Gun Raffle winner was drawn- Walt Driscoll won.

Comments were submitted in March on H.636. This bill has passed the house and is in committee in the senate.

Annual meeting results: Directors with terms expiring were re-elected for a 3 year term. Matt Breton of Charleston was elected president.